
I've had several people inquire about what exactly Omnus does in terms of active investing. In other words, doing stuff outside of the usual passive investing in index funds / individual stock positions across 401Ks, IRAs, or non-retirement brokerage accounts. Ignoring technical jargon for second, the simple answer is that we place options trades that result in net credit positions; the operative phrase being net credit. If that sounds like greek to you (no pun intended), there are plenty of resources on the web that explain what options are and how they work. I won't re-invent the wheel there. I've linked to a few of my favorite resources for beginners below if interested in digging into the weeds. Instead of giving a dissertation on options, I plan on simply linking my live positions on this blog (coming soon!). I'm building a javascript widget that will link to my Interactive Brokers account and live update our portfolio positions via webhooks. My hope is that these trades give you a sense of how you can leverage options to either augment existing positions, hedge against risk, or generate additional income. By linking to live positions, you also get a front-row view to the expected volatility in these holdings through to expiration or when they are closed.

Now for the official disclaimers: I am not a certified financial advisor and you should do your own due diligence before deciding to take action on anything posted here. I am not a day-trader and I'm fairly certain I want to stay away from becoming one. I usually place between 4-6 trades in any given month; they take about 30-45 minutes of my time for the initial analysis and opening of the positions. That's about it; I will admit to glancing at my positions 2-3 times per week and every now and then I do need to adjust. All in all, I would say I spend no more than 2 hours per week managing this options portfolio. I have gotten comfortable with a certain degree of volatility as I have learned the details of how options are priced and what leads to the price swings intra-day. If you want to hold options positions, you need to get used to higher swings in pricing as compared to holdings stocks or ETFs alone. If you are comfortable doing this and can keep your eye on the end-game, options are a potent addition in augmenting your long-term investment gains with shorter-term recurring income. That's my approach anyway. From time to time, I will create posts that dive into details a bit more for certain strategies, insights, observations, etc.